Mixcare: Mixer Safety and Maintenance
Mixing Equipment Safety
and Reliability
Greaves mixers are designed with safety and reliability as a primary requirement. The best way of ensuring optimum performance post installation is regular scheduled service.
Greaves MixCare is a structured support programme to give customers confidence in the ongoing safety and efficiency of their mixing equipment.
MixCare is designed to help you remove operator risks, equipment failure risks and ensure increased confidence in uptime.
What can you expect from MixCare ?
- Each Greaves installation receives an annual multi-point inspection by qualified engineers
- Inspections are arranged to fit around your production schedules
- Current mixing parameters are audited against design specification
- Opportunities for process improvements are identified and reported
- Quality assured OEM replacement parts are fitted as required*
- Stock level of critical spares is reviewed and adjusted as required
- Assess operator skills for safety risks and operational performance
- Update training and maintenance requirements
Greaves MixCare™ for
consistent performance